Thursday, February 11, 2010

What to do if you think you MIGHT have a infection from a hang nail? :(?

I had a hang nail on my toe a couple of days ago...

I went and pulled it off not really thinking about it and today (a couple days later) its still really sore... its red and have a bit of discharge.

I know it has a minor infection what should I do at this point before going to a clinic? Can I stop it before it gets any worse?What to do if you think you MIGHT have a infection from a hang nail? :(?
Get some polysporin or an antibacterial cream and put it on the nail where its red. Do it several times a day and keep it clean. If you start you get swollen or you see any infection going under the nail, i would get some antibiotics. I just went through a similar thing and the infection went under my finger nail and half way down my finger very quickly, i lost my fingernail eventually but the infection is gone, good luck!

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