Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's the best way to get rid of a hang nail?

Pulling just makes them worse, and I can never seem to cut the whole thing off...What's the best way to get rid of a hang nail?
This is going to sound kinda weird...but my mom gets hang nails all the time and we out baby orajel on it to numb it and then take tweezers and pull it. She says you cant feel a thing.What's the best way to get rid of a hang nail?
well what I do is, make it stick up then clip it off with nail clippers. if i am at school and its really bothering me i just get a pair of sissors and cut it off. no pain, and it dont come back. just make sure you cut to as close to you finger as you can
First cut what you can off then file it down, it might be a little uneven but it will look better in about 3 days, then even it out. Always works for me.
cut as much of it off as you can and then wait for it to grow out.
Just cut it off, gently with a pair of nail scissors. :) Ripping is not good for your cuticles at all.
close your eyes, get a hold of it with tweezers or finger andjust rip it quickly, very painful
i think you should keep it

about 94% of men think they are attractive.
cut it!
chew it off or have someone help u take it off.
chew it off
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