Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dry, cracked, hang nails, short nails...Help?

My hands are a state.The nails are digging into my fingers, and the skin around them is hard, producing hang nails. The cuticles are all pushed up and split, and I do bite my nails ruthlessley, which I wish I don't.

What kind of thing can I put on my hands? What worked for you?

ThanksDry, cracked, hang nails, short nails...Help?
you need to stop biting your nails!

there is a this stuff called cuticle cream by burt's bees and it works really well.make sure after you wash your hands to put lotion on to keep them moisturized.could also go to the nail salon and get a manicure.

hope this helps:)Dry, cracked, hang nails, short nails...Help?
Get these:鈥?/a>

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