Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do you heal an infected hang nail?It is now very sore and has a hard bump,but nothing will come out.?

I thought at first that it may be more of a blister,but nothing comes out.I just want it to go away for pain's sake.Thank you!How do you heal an infected hang nail?It is now very sore and has a hard bump,but nothing will come out.?
Try soaking it in some warm water with epson salts. This will help pull out any infection and speed up the healing process. Do this 3-4 times a day.How do you heal an infected hang nail?It is now very sore and has a hard bump,but nothing will come out.?
See if you can find something called ichthammol ointment. It's a very smelly black ointment that was once called ';drawing salve';. You may have to ask the pharmacist for it, but it's an over the counter purchase.Only a couple of buck. Put it on the infected nail area and cover it with a bandaid overnight. It will literally draw the infection out by the next morning. Best stuff I've ever seen for infect hangnails, imbedded thorns, or anything else that refuses to come out of your skin easily and is infected.

Other option is to sterilize a pin or needle well, poke it, and squeeze out the infection. Then put on antibiotic ointment and a bandaid. But this is much ore painful and slower than the ichthammol. Eventually you'll have to take care of the hang nail too, but that will hurt less once the infection is gone.
there may be a way to make the hang nail grow normal(grow strait out again) if you cut a small V in the end of your toe nail it might make the nail grow strait again

as for the bump mabe try some neosporin
Try using peroxide and keep a bandage over it to keep it clean and to help keep it from tearing more.

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